Papua New Guinea

REDD+ Safeguards Information System

In REDD+, "safeguards" are measures to prevent negative environmental and social impacts, protect biodiversity, and uphold the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Overview of the REDD+ SIS

Overview of the REDD+ Safeguards Information System for Papua New Guinea

In 2020, the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) established (NEC Decision No. 343/2020) the REDD+ Safeguard Information System (SIS) Framework that outlines the SIS’s objectives, core functions, necessary institutional arrangements and identification of information needs and sources. The SIS was established to ensure that PNG’s implementation of REDD+ comply with the Cancun Safeguards.

The SIS for PNG is a framework established to ensure that REDD+ is implemented in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and aim to ensure that REDD+ actions not only contribute to mitigating climate change but also provide social, environmental, and governance benefits. The SIS aligns with the Cancun Safeguards as outlined in the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Decision 1/CP.16 and aims to provide transparent and consistent information on how these safeguards are addressed and respected. The UNFCCC requires that county parties develop a SIS, ensuring consistency of the REDD+ policies and measure (PAMs) with the Cancun safeguards throughout the implementation of REDD+, and the provision of a Summary of Information (SOI) demonstrating how the safeguards have been addressed and respected to the UNFCCC. This is linked to the delivery of the results-based payments from REDD+ PAMs. PNG has since established the SIS, ensuring consistency in policy adherence and submitted the first SOI to the UNFCCC in 2020.

Although there are no official guidelines on how countries are supposed to set up a system for providing information on how safeguards are addressed and respected, Parties to the UNFCCC have agreed on some broad guidance on the characteristics of a SIS. Namely,it should:

  • Provide transparent and consistent information that is accessible by all relevant stakeholders and updated on a regular basis;
  • Be transparent and flexible to allow for improvements over time;
  • Provide information on how all the safeguards referred to in appendix I to decision 1/CP.16 are being addressed and respected;
  • Be country-driven and implemented at the national level; and
  • Build upon existing systems, as appropriate.
The framework of PNG’s SIS is composed of (1) Objective of the SIS, (2) Description of each Cancun Safeguard, (3) Indicators of the SIS, 4) Functions and Institutional Arrangements of the SIS and the (5) SIS’s Technological systems requirements. These components are fully detailed in the Safeguard Information System Framework Document for PNG.

Locals in traditional attire, Western Highlands Province.
A woman from the Wabununa community shares her thoughts during an awareness session on a proposed REDD+ project on Woodlark Island, Milne Bay Province.

Objectives of the REDD+ SIS

Clarity and Objectives for Effective Implementation of REDD+ in PNG

Enhance Transparency and Accountability

Objective: Establish clear and transparent reporting mechanisms.
Support: Builds trust among stakeholders by ensuring that REDD+ implementation and its outcomes are openly documented and accessible.

Ensure Environmental Integrity

Objective: Monitor and mitigate the environmental impacts of REDD+ implementation.
Support: Guarantees that REDD+ implementation contribute positively to environmental conservation and biodiversity.

Promote Social Inclusion and Equity

Objective: Involve local communities in decision- making processes in all aspects and stages of REDD+.
Support: Empowers marginalized groups by ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

Strengthen Legal and Policy Frameworks

Objective: Support the development and enforcement of national and local policies.
Support: Provides a robust legal foundation for implementing REDD+ effectively and lawfully.

Facilitate Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Objective: Create platforms for continuous dialogue among REDD+ stakeholders.
Support: Enhances collaboration and ensures all parties are informed and engaged in the REDD+ processes and implementation.

Improve Data Collection and Analysis

Objective: Develop comprehensive systems for data collection and reporting on all aspects of REDD+.
Support: Provides accurate and timely information essential for monitoring progress and making informed decisions.

Enhance Capacity Building and Training

Objective: Offer training and resources to key stakeholders and REDD+ implementers.
Support: Ensures that all parties have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively carry out REDD+ initiatives.

Foster Adaptive Management and Learning

Objective: Implement feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement.
Support: Allows for the adaptation of strategies based on lessons learned, leading to more effective and resilient REDD+ policy approaches and implementation.

Promote Financial Transparency and Integrity

Objective: Ensure that financial flows and investments are tracked and reported accurately.
Support: Ensures that all parties have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively carry out and implement REDD+.

Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Objective: Develop robust M&E frameworks to assess the effectiveness of REDD+ safeguards.
Support: Provides evidence-based assessments that inform future REDD+ strategies and policies.

Knowledge Management

Learning Portal

The SIS Learning Portal aims to share knowledge and create awareness.

Reports and Publications

REDD+ Safeguard Reports and Publications

REDD+ Safeguards

Learn about Cancun Safeguards

SIS Digital Portal

Learn about the SIS Digital Portal


Insightful Quotes

What’s Happening

News & Insights


Team Members

Terence Barambi

Manager REDD+
+(675) 341 4284

Sonia Baine

REDD+ Officer and Safeguards Lead
+(675) 341 4284

Kenneth Nobi

REDD+ Officer and Grievance Redress Lead
+(675) 341 4284

Deborah Meana

REDD+ Officer and REDD+ Communications Lead
+(675) 341 4284